My book of Full breaths
Your experience journal & adventure planner
Buy yours for £19.95*
Inspired by a line at his Grandads funeral, Matt began to write down all his achievements, challenges he had over come and memories he didn't want to forget in a A-Z book.
This book gives you the tool to make your own as well as giving you ideas and methods to focus your time to plan your next adventure.
Get yours now!
Book Review: This journal is so good I have gifted it and talked about it to numerous people.
It has allowed me to remember that I have lived and will continue to live a fulfilled life. The opportunity to complete the A-Z of things I have done that I want to remember has become a precious commodity.
Writing down things I have done provides me memories, but the habit of writing down what I want to do keeps me focused and thus more likely to make them happen.
This book is a wonderful way to look back on the great things you have done in your life and plan ahead for the future full breaths you want to take.
Brilliant and powerful tool for all ages.
Sacha Mathers aged 49 and three quarters
* Price includes Post and Packaging to a UK address
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